How much does it cost?

I provide a price once I understand your project and am confident I can help you.

We’ll speak by phone or video so I know what you want. I’ll look at any work you’ve done so far. I’ll take you through a structured interview or, if you are interested in book editing, read your manuscript. I’ll think carefully about whether we are a good match and how I can help you. I provide you with a scope of work, a price and a timeline.

I work on a fixed-fee basis, paid over time as we achieve milestones. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Author Coaching: $7,500 - $15,000

  • Book Editing: $8,000 - $40,000

  • Book Doctoring: $15,000 - $50,000

  • Ghostwriting: $25,000 - $70,000+